
Apocalypse and I walked into a bar…

Now I know this sounds like the premise of a joke, but please bear with me.

Apocalypse and I walked into a bar, not knowing where else to go.
As it turns out, the world’s most profound realizations and conversations are stumbled upon on the thin line between sobriety and inebriation.

Anyway, we walk in and sit by the table in the corner – the one where the temperature, the light, the music volume is just right. Drinks and words were flowing and time kept passing.

Things were going as smoothly as they could – which was something I honestly didn’t expect. After all, I had walked in with Apocalypse – end of the world, destruction of everything we know as is and all that.

But no eyebrows were raised, no glances stolen, no angry glares coming our way. Everyone was absorbed in their own world, despite the Ragnarok being in close proximity. It was almost as if destruction and chaos had lost its novelty and walking past it was like any other Tuesday. Humanity was no longer surprised by the end but rather found normalcy and happiness in the finity.

And then casually walked in Judgement and it was as if a dense fog had settled in. Conversations grew quieter, people grew restless and Apocalypse sighed as Judgement walked to our table. Every step Judgement took, the pit in my stomach started growing wider and deeper. It was almost as if I was afraid, scratch that, terrified of Judgement. Perhaps sensing my discomfort, Apocalypse excused himself and walked out with Judgement.

And there I sat, all alone on the corner table wondering why my willingness to flirt with destruction all but disappeared once retribution came into picture. Why did I think that if I embrace the end, I would be free of consequences? For Apocalypse is just Creation dressed up for Halloween. Old things end so new things start. Good old things are judged and ended so better new things can start and grow without the mistakes of the old.

So the next time I walk into the bar with Apocalypse, I’ll look forward to Judgement third-wheeling. For the real fun isn’t at the beginning of the end, but at the end of the beginning.

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